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Janapar Movie Player

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If you already have an account, log in here.

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We take your privacy and security seriously. That`s why we use a RapidSSL 256-bit secure gateway for our checkout, and Paypal (the worlds most trusted payment service provider) for all transactions.

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Frequently-Asked Questions

How does the streaming option work?

We’ve made this incredibly simple. Here’s what happens:

  1. You’ll be taken to Paypal for your payment to be securely processed.
  2. You’ll arrive back here for your streaming account to be activated.
  3. You can then view the film instantly using the in-browser Movie Player.
  4. You’ll be able to return and login any time to watch the film again or to access the free online bonus material. (We’ll send you all of this information by email for safe-keeping.)

Is the Movie Player compatible with my browser?

The Movie Player is compatible with all modern web browsing software, including Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer and more. It’s fully iPhone/iPad compatible.

What if I forget my login details?

The usual password recovery mechanism is in place, but if you’re still stuck, we’re always on hand by email to help you.

Is streaming reliable?

We use Vimeo Pro, the world’s leading professional video streaming provider, to host and stream the film and bonus material. This means fast, reliable, high-quality HD/SD streaming from anywhere in the world (dependent upon your internet connection).

Who are the filmmakers behind Janapar?

The independent team is led by James Newton, a creative documentary producer-director whose professional credits as a director include a number of prime-time BBC factual shows. Tom, the subject of the film, is a full-time adventurer, bicycle travel advocate and storyteller. You can read more about James, Tom and the rest of the production crew here.